Wall Street Part I released in 1987 was the classic Wall Street film. The highly popular Gordon Gekko character was born in this film. The film was based on a young and impatient stockbroker who is willing to do anything to get to the top, including trading on illegal inside information. Michael Douglas as Godon Gekko is outstanding in the movie.
Wall Street Part II (Money Never Sleeps) released in 2010 is a sequel to Wall Street made in 1987. The movie is about bubbles and tries to depict what happend in 2008 crisis. Similar to part I Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko is outstanding again.
Watch the official trailer of the movie below in high definition.
To watch the full movie online or download a copy to you hard disk, use the following link. To download, use your temporary internet files directory to copy the cached version of the movie to your disk. Wall Street Movie Download